FSDC4-1HP 台灣增氧機 102系列
最普遍的傳統機型配備了1HP AC 馬達,能夠有效地通過旋轉雙葉輪將氧氣注入水中。這種增氧機特別使用了台灣式水車管 (floator)。台灣每年都受到颱風的影響,天氣經常變得很不穩定。因此,台灣的養殖戶需要一種特殊設計的增氧機,既堅固又耐用,可以在這樣的氣候條件下正常工作。這就是為什麼台灣式的增氧機是如此受歡迎的原因。它的設計使得它不易翻船,提供了極高的穩定性,而且方便替換,不需要過多的時間和勞力。目前,這類機型是台灣最普遍且最受養殖戶青睞的機型。
The most common traditional model is equipped with a 1HP AC motor, effectively injecting oxygen into the water through its rotating twin paddles. This aerator specifically employs the Taiwanese-style paddlewheel float (floator). With Taiwan experiencing typhoons annually and frequent unstable weather conditions, aquaculturists here require a specially designed aerator that's both robust and durable to operate under such climatic challenges. This is precisely why the Taiwanese-style aerator has gained such popularity. Its design ensures it remains stable and doesn't capsize easily, offering superior stability. Plus, it's designed for convenient replacement, saving both time and effort. Currently, this type of model is the most prevalent and favored by aquaculturists in Taiwan.